The PTA is collecting box tops as part of the Box Tops 4 Education Program! This is an EASY way to raise lots of money for our school – each top is worth ten cents!! Read on below!
How can you help? Simply cut out the little “box top” picture on the packaging of select products (some examples include: General Mills Cereals like Cheerios, Chex, Lucky Charms, Annie’s brand snacks, Ziploc bags, Nature Valley, Hefty products, etc.). Send the little cutouts in with your child in a Ziploc baggie in their “take home” folder. Their teacher will then pass it along to the PTA! If you prefer, you can drop the tops off yourself. There is a box in the front office (where you check in) labeled “Drop Off Box Tops Here.”
Do we have any suggestions for you?
Yes! A couple of hints – there is an expiration date on each boxtop but it’s usually a few years out. So those tops sitting around in a drawer for a year or two are probably still GOOD! Send them in!
Also, we can accept boxtops from anyone – so ask grandparents, friends, or anyone else you can think of to send them in to us!
Finally, BoxTops4Education has also rolled out a new App so that you can scan your receipts and handle everything through your phone. We are going to phase into using this on a school-wide basis next year, but feel free to start using this method now if that’s your preference. We will take money however we can get it!
You can find more info here:
If you have any questions about the box tops program, please contact Layla Heimlich at [email protected] or Meri Kahan at [email protected].