Hear the Roar at B.E.

School Directory + PTA Email Listing
Make sure you have joined and verified your families information this year! AtoZconnect provides your family with the B.E. student directory, PTA-sponsored event annoucements, PTA weekly newsletter, and access to your PTA membership. If this is your first time accessing AtoZConnect, Click HERE to join.
B.E. student directory is sponsored by the PTA. You can access this online at www.BEpta.membershiptoolkit.com or through the AtoZconnect app (apple, google). This is a great tool to connect with your child’s classroom and classmates.
The PTA sends out a weekly newsletter “The Roar Report” on Sunday evenings that highlights upcoming and new event information and important announcements.
The PTA uses the email list on AtoZconnect as their primary tool of communication. Please make sure your email on the directory is up to date.
You can also log into AtoZConnect to purchase your PTA membership. For more information on the benefits of PTA membership please check out our info page.

More Email Subscription Lists / List Servs – Check out the different email subscription lists and list servs the B.E. community has so you can connect with other B.E. parents. Currently we have a community google group, an international families subscription list, and a special education yahoo group available for families to join. Click HERE for more information on how to join each group!

B.E. PTA Parent Facebook Group (Private) – Want to get updates and connect with other B.E. parents through your facebook account? Join our private parent’s group on facebook! Click HERE to request access.
Have a question for the B.E. PTA? Check out our Board page to email us!
School/District Communication Tools:

- Synergy ParentVUE/StudentVUE – the school uses your information from the portal to send emails (weekly email updates on Fridays) and phone alerts. Access is provided by the school.
- AlertMontgomery – emergency alert system used by the county.
- Lion’s Den – monthly school newsletter. The first couple editions are sent home in your child’s folder. The rest will be available on the school website.