There are many different ways B.E. families can support their students!
Meet this year’s annual auction fundraiser sponsors

We encourage all B.E. families to join and pay the PTA membership every year. Joining the PTA allows us to have a larger and stronger voice when it comes to advocating for our students! The PTA membership fee also pays for community building activities for all students. Log into your AtoZ account and access the store to purchase your PTA membership.

Donate to the B.E. Student Fund. The Student Fund is used to enrich the curriculum at B.E. Every year, the PTA spends on average $160/student to provide grade specific cultural arts residencies, fund the Math Olympiad, host STEM day/night, provide additional teacher training/support, buy classroom equipment, add books to the library and more! Log into AtoZconnect and access the store to donate to the fund.

Spirit Wear Store is Live – Show how much you love B.E. while supporting the school through our spirit wear store! A portion of all clothing sold is donated back to the school. Make sure to grab some so your child can wear them during our spirit weeks!

Mabel’s Label – Order your child’s labels using our BE link (search for and select Bethesda Elementary PTA (Bethesda) prior to making a purchase so the school can get a portion back as fundraising! We also created B.E. logo labels for you to order if you wish to get a spirit pack (look under combo label packs –> logo label pack). More information about this fundraiser can be found here.

Amazon Smile – Donate 0.5% of your Amazon purchase to BE PTA when shopping online at Amazon. Go to our Amazon Smile instruction page to learn how to set up your Amazon account to start donating to the school!

Harris Teeter Loyalty Card Link – Don’t forget to link your Harris Teeter Loyalty card every year so that as you shop, HT can donate $ back to B.E.! More information about this fundraiser can be found here.

BoxTops – Clip those boxtops and turn them into the box located in the B.E. front office! (Or, you can download the BoxTops app onto your phone and submit them from home!) For more information about this fundraiser click here.

Restaurant Night – The PTA works with local restaurants to organize restaurant nights throughout the school year for the B.E. community. Check out our calendar and events page for information on upcoming dates.

Buy an engraved brick through our B.E. Brick Campaign. Want a great way to celebrate your student? Buy a brick with an engraved message to be displayed at B.E. to cement your legacy for years to come. Go to https://www.bricksrus.com/donorsite/bepta and support the school while leaving a lasting message.